Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Random Thoughts

I'm feeling pretty wiped out today, but can't lie my head on that pillow until I get some of the thoughts buzzing around in my head on paper. I have three things floating about, but oddly, they are not related. Thus, my random thoughts title for the day.

1. Have you ever heard about a DVD series called The Truth Project? It is a 12-part teaching by Dr. Del Tackett and promoted by Focus on the Family. It has received some criticism because it was shown in the Capitol, but I find the series amazingly deep and thought provoking. We are watching it at OMS, and there has not been a day that I've watched in which I haven't left the room, pondering something. You should check it out.

Today, I left wondering why, after 25 years of walking with the Lord, I still seek attention and glory from people. I know, I know ... sin. Dr. Tackett was talking about this subject and my mind went to a scene in the latest version of Robin Hood (the one with Russell Crowe). It's the scene where the surviving brother has taken over as king, he has promised the world to the people of the kingdom, then when Robin Hood upstages him, his need for glory makes his evil(er) side come out, and he ends up reneging on all his prior promises.

I'm like that. Perhaps not as blatant, but I am. Lord, help me to grow to be more like You!

2. Those that know me well, know that I am a bit OCD, a bit anal and even suffer a bit of ADHD--all of which seem so negative when put on paper...and they can be, but they also come in handy at times. My attention to detail is good, I care about the little things, I have lots of energy,... Here's how these things can be good and bad. I'm a clean freak, but because I can't just clean halfway, my house has been unpresentable since July--when I was hospitalized with pancreatitis. I am busy, it's true, but what person that has a full-time job, a husband, two kids with multiple activities, etc...can clean with the expectations I place on myself? Why can't I just be like everyone else and be able to pick up a room, run a dust cloth and sweeper and call it a day. That would certainly be good enough to open our home to visitors. But nooooo, I must pull the couch cushions, move the furniture, scrub the baseboards, clean and rearrange every drawer and closet and read every piece of mail that passes through the door--even ones that I KNOW are junk mail.

Anyway, I am slowly making progress...and maybe soon YOU can come for a visit. Until then, pray for me. I really know that my time could be better spent than counting puzzle pieces and color coding my closet hangers by type of clothing!

3. Sunday night OMS hosted a small event for one of my new coworkers...Beka! What a blessing she is in every way. She invited 40 friends and supporters to come to the OMS office to tour the building, hear more about what OMS does and how Beka's role fits into this. (Many of you local friends will receive an invite from me in the spring!)

The evening was fun, informative and filled with God moments. One of those was remembering how the Lord used me to get Beka to OMS. Short story is that Beka wanted to come be a missionary journalist, I wanted/needed her to come, then the doors seemingly closed. I prayed a lot, and God spoke clearly. He made it clear that I needed to step up and "fight" for Beka. I did, and it was so worth it. But even more than that, it was a wonderful confirmation to me that God still speaks clearly in our lives if we are obedient to listen.

Ahhh, I feel better. Sometimes, I just have to dump the load of my brain to feel peace and release. Hope you find your peace in Him this week...

1 comment:

  1. hmmmm, I will pray for you! But until then....when you get a new puzzle give the kids a job....UMMMMM I MEAN a "contest" see who can label the most pieces the fastest. Put a code say "Z" on the puzzle box and have the kids race to put a "Z" on the back of each piece...then when you find it, you know where it belongs...NO time for counting! Wow...each "person" here as their own color of hangar...saves energy :) Ok...good random thoughts...and obviously I have never suffered w/ any OCD myself. I'm in recovery though, life is short!
