Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Is There Something Wrong with Being Thankful?

Weird question, huh? Well, I am thankful...I think I'm generally a grateful person overall ... and not just at this time of year either. But even if people ARE just talking about thanksgiving this month, I say, hey, better one month a year than not at all.

What is all this rambling about? Well, I got a little mad today when I was reading a post on a FaceBook friend's page. She was saying that she was grateful for life. Her "friend" responded to her post, basically dogging her out, saying that she should not just be grateful in November, but all throughout the year. He said she should go and volunteer at a soup kitchen in July. That made me mad. Why in the world would anyone ever make someone feel badly for feeling good? ... for being grateful?

OK, I know what his point was ... or the point he was trying to make, but really Mr.?

Anyway, with all that said, I think this is a great time of year to reflect on all the good gifts that God has given us and to "Get Rich Quick ... Count Our Blessings" (recently seen on a church sign). This is how I feel rich today:
  • we still live in a country where we are free to vote, to voice our choices, convictions, ideas,...
  • that despite the fact that I am a conservative and have many friends that are liberals, we can still be friends, living in peace, knowing that this is what our country was founded on
  • God reigns
  • my husband is still, at 50, super hot and loves me even when I am a super grouch and have a big crush (innocent) on Brett Favre
  • my ministry is incredibly fulfilling; I get to be a small part of fulfilling the Great Commission on a daily basis and I actually LOVE going to work each day
  • I'm feeling pretty strong and healthy. I NEVER take my health for granted these days...every day that I go without pain, I sing praises to God
  • even though we live with some debt, all our needs are met above and beyond what we deserve
  • my children are growing up to love and follow Jesus ... and are becoming pretty great human beings in the process. And even though we have a way to go in raising them, what a joy and privilege it is to do so
  • so many friends and family that love, support and encourage me in my faith journey
  • $1.00 Diet Cokes from McDonald's
I could go on and on but will leave it with these "10 Good Things" for today. If you're feeling sad or depressed, may I suggest you take just 5 minutes to list a few things you are thankful for. I guarantee, it'll make you feel better.


  1. I'm REALLY surprised that the last one wasn't listed first. Of course, you forget to mention you FABULOUS friends, like ME! LOL!

  2. I'm thankful for friends like you.
