Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Movie Star...Not!

Today, was a roller coaster day at OMS. I've learned that this means that God is at work. Oh, I know He never stops, but He's showing His hand full force, and great things are about to happen.

This week alone, I am working on the next Outreach magazine (it's going to be full of amazing stories of God at work!), new exciting stories to post on the www.onemissionsociety.org website, a testimony of God's faithfulness to OMS to email to more than 8,000 OMS friends, which is a part of a new email "marketing" campaign we're launching this week, with a new news service launch, as well.

Also, in the last week, I've helped edit, manage and coordinate 5 DMLs (direct mail letters, requesting financial needs for OMS), which included more than 40,000 pieces of mail. I'm also part of a radio writing/editing team in which we write ads for a radio station in Cincinnati. I have the unpleasant task tomorrow of calling the general manager to say we're not happy with the way the ads have been produced. So, our team produced the ad ourselves, and it turned out great. Now, I just need to convince the GM that it's a good idea to switch to ours...and keep our relationship in tact. God is at work in this too. For several years, we have wanted to produce our own spots. In fact, we have a dozen or so stations that have requested to play our creative spots.

And today...I experienced a very emotional call with our contracted web developing company. We decided logically it was time to part ways, but emotionally, it felt like I had just broken up with my first boyfriend. Thankfully, in the end, we said goodbye on a great note.

The other biggie for the day...I was video interviewed by Indy Christian Media for a soon-to-be-released web video series on who OMS is and what we do, etc... Look for coming details and links soon.

A Movie Star I Am Not! I fussed and fretted about my flat (I totally forgot today was filming day), unwashed hair and NO makeup, how fat I looked on camera, my sweaty face (it was hot day today anyway, no AC and then put all those studio lights on ya and it was at least 100 degrees in there!). Then, I got warmed up and into the questions and the answers just flowed. I realized how very passionate I am about the ministry of One Mission Society. What a privilege it is to serve with OMS...and even more to serve our God.

But...I think I'll leave the in-front-of camera duties to someone else. I'll stick to WRITING the wonderful stories of how HE is changing people's lives each and every day.

Hope you enjoyed this not-so-quick glimpse into my ministry world. I bet you never knew what exciting things a homeland missionary could be involved in, huh?

P.S. I'll try to post some ministry pix soon so you can begin to see the faces of those changed lives.

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