Saturday, May 10, 2014

A Few of My Favorite...and not so Favorite Things

Things I Love:
reading in bed on a rainy day
smell of bread cooking in oven
a newly mowed yard
a newly vacuumed carpet
a clean house
snuggles with kids
my family
Jesus' mercy
peanut butter
sleeping in
watching my kids play sports
watching NFL football
hearing my kids pray
seeing beautiful architecture
writing when it flows well
a good love story
worship in the car--windows down, radio up
back rubs from hubby
red licorice
checking things off my to-do list
getting good medical results
Mom's sugar cookies
angel food cake
going to the fair with family
a really good steak
napping in a hammock on a breezy day
the smell of babies
mowing on a riding lawn mower
clean teeth

Things I Don't Love So Much:
men in speedos
water/taking showers
taking long trips
hives and eczema
shots in the mouth
walking up hills
poison ivy
money woes
feeling bloated
horror movies

Friday, May 9, 2014

Are You a Leader or Follower?

As I drove into the McDonald's parking lot this morning, I almost gave up and drove on when I saw the line backed up to the road. What was going on? It wasn't even rush hour.

My curiosity (and my desire for a Diet Coke before I give it up again for a month) got the better of me. So, I creeped along in the line...edging my way up to the drive-thru window ever so slowly.

Then, I noticed why there was a back up. Customers were only using one of the two lanes. I wondered why. Once I got close enough, I thought I'd see a sign saying "out of order" or something along those lines. No sign.

Yet, all the cars continued to follow the lead car into the one lane. Hummm?

So, when I got close enough, I inched my way into the line no one had been using with fear and trepidation. My heart was actually racing. I felt like a rebel. Then I thought, stop being stupid, Susan! All that could happen is they could say it's out of order or be silent and not be able to take my order at all. A risk my adventurous self was willing to take.

Yet, this is what I heard, "Welcome to McDonald's. May I take your order? I gave it ... and guess what? All the other cars behind me followed and the jammed parking lot became unjammed.

When I got to the window to pay, I asked the cashier what had happened. He responded, "I have no idea. People are dumb and just follow other people blindly."

As I drove away, I thought about it and agreed he was right ... people follow blindly out of fear or ignorance, but sometimes, they follow out of loyalty or love.

Are you a leader or follower? And if you're a follower...WHO do you follow?

As for me and my house, we will follow (serve) the Lord.