Friday, May 9, 2014

Are You a Leader or Follower?

As I drove into the McDonald's parking lot this morning, I almost gave up and drove on when I saw the line backed up to the road. What was going on? It wasn't even rush hour.

My curiosity (and my desire for a Diet Coke before I give it up again for a month) got the better of me. So, I creeped along in the line...edging my way up to the drive-thru window ever so slowly.

Then, I noticed why there was a back up. Customers were only using one of the two lanes. I wondered why. Once I got close enough, I thought I'd see a sign saying "out of order" or something along those lines. No sign.

Yet, all the cars continued to follow the lead car into the one lane. Hummm?

So, when I got close enough, I inched my way into the line no one had been using with fear and trepidation. My heart was actually racing. I felt like a rebel. Then I thought, stop being stupid, Susan! All that could happen is they could say it's out of order or be silent and not be able to take my order at all. A risk my adventurous self was willing to take.

Yet, this is what I heard, "Welcome to McDonald's. May I take your order? I gave it ... and guess what? All the other cars behind me followed and the jammed parking lot became unjammed.

When I got to the window to pay, I asked the cashier what had happened. He responded, "I have no idea. People are dumb and just follow other people blindly."

As I drove away, I thought about it and agreed he was right ... people follow blindly out of fear or ignorance, but sometimes, they follow out of loyalty or love.

Are you a leader or follower? And if you're a follower...WHO do you follow?

As for me and my house, we will follow (serve) the Lord.

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