Monday, July 16, 2012

Blog Name Change Needed!

Well, first order of business is that my son told me I need to change the title of my blog since I've given up Diet Coke for health reasons. So, as I thought about it, I thought Chai Chat would be cute and catchy and although it's not completely healthful to drink, I love it. But, alas, the name is already being used ... twice. One for a talk radio show and one for a group to reconcile religious differences. So, hum, what else? Water, of course, is the best drink of choice, but honestly, although I'm drinking it by the gallons, I don't really love it. Plus, Water Cooler Chat was also taken and Water Chat is just too boring ... and kinda misleading. Unsweetened Ice Tea Chat is so not catchy, even though it is not taken and it HAS become my drink of choice lately. 

So, I need your help ... what should I retitle my blog to? Give me your ideas ... you might just be the winner and get bragging rights to a blog read by a whooping 100 people/post! : ) Take that you professional Mommy bloggers now making millions!

Coming soon ... what God recently spoke to me about ...


  1. Wait a love chai? Hmm. Didn't know that. But I digress. A couple of thoughts (and yes, a thesaurus may possibly have been consulted)...Tea Talk,Tea-time Talk, In Touch Over Tea. That's all I've got. :)

  2. Pretty good, LMac! ha ha ha thanks!

  3. why not something like Minute message - since you are not really chatting just posting things for others to post responses to or Passing thoughts Posts - just an idea

  4. How about Boiled Egg Blogger? Eh? Haha! I'm kidding but I still thought I'd throw it out there. :]

  5. The "I'll get to it soon" blog. "Stupid, stupid, stupid!"

    Seriously, though. Life Tea-sers? Agua para Vida?

    Do you know how long it took me to name my own blog?

  6. thanks for the help, guys. I'm pondering and will change name soon... You last two characters are hi-larious!
