Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Giving Until it Hurts ... so Good

I was totally and completely humbles three times ... and that was just today!

At One Mission Society, we talk a lot about Going (serving), Giving, and Praying. I want to share three things that happened today that left me speechless, inspired, happy, and totally humbled.

First, in the coming days, many OMS mission leaders serving around the world will descend upon our OMS HQ. Today, one early "arriver" stopped in my office to say hello. Then, he blew me away by asking about something personal I asked him to pray for a year ago. That he remembered meant a lot, but knowing him, he's probably also been praying faithfully for me this past year. Wow. I am humbled and want to be a better prayer warrior.

Second, I'm in the midst of raising more support for my ministry with OMS. I've been raising funds for ministry for the past 25 years, so I should never be surprised by God's provision and people's generosity, but once again, God did it. I received two more faith promises (similar to pledges) for my support. Overall, in past 2 months, I have received as many positive responses as I have in the past several years, so I am wonderfully encouraged that God is providing ... and I am doing what God wants me to.

And finally, and this is a huge one, I was speechless (hard to do) and inspired by the selfless, generous act of a coworker today. I won't name his name as he'd be embarrassed, but I hope he knows how much he inspired me today.

This man is a new OMS missionary and within just months of being here has had to jump into a HUGE project like no other. He has handled the stress, complaints, and long hours like a saint. But what he did today simply blew me away.

I was so happy to see him late in the day today as I needed his help and had searched for him for hours. When I asked where he'd been all day, he said he'd helped someone in need. This someone was another fellow coworker who had requested help a couple times and apparently no one had responded to her need. I justified not responding because "I" am super busy. "I" have an important job. Surely there were others who could step up to help who were less busy than I.

Yet, this man, probably busier than ANYONE in our building, dropped his own work to drive this coworker to the north side of the city.

I am humbled ... and motivated to step up. To be the hands and feet of Jesus. To stop and look around at the needs around me.

Lord, help us to know when to say no...and when to say yes. Not to use our own excuses, but to respond as you would.

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