Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Stomping Out My Fears

I teach people how to create their own blogs...and then I warn them...do NOT start a blog if you are not going to post regularly...or else you will lose your audience. I'm definitely not practicing what I preach.

My name is Susan. It's been 4 months since my last post. I am a perfectionist.

Huh? Yep. I write, edit and do general things in the world of communications on a daily basis (and I love it), but when it comes to writing my own blog, I struggle. Why? I love to write. It's super cathartic. I certainly don't lack good material or stories. But...I can't seem to just let go and freely write and not worry that it's perfectly formed or thought out. So, tonight, I said to myself, "Just go for it! Do it!" Plus in our world of social media, I can just repost on FB and the missed months of blogging seem to evaporate.

So, here's to freely blogging more often in the near future!


  1. I am so guilty of this, too... Yay for letting go and posting what we can when we can! You rock, Susan :)

  2. I have the same problem. Thank you for this post! More free blogging to come!!
